Friday, November 22, 2013

Charles Manson Has a Girlfriend and You Don’t

America’s favorite boogeyman, Charles Manson, is 79-years-old and will almost certainly spend the rest of his life in prison, but that hasn’t stopped him from winning the affection of a 25-year-old girlfriend.
“Star,” a name given to the woman by Manson, has been visiting the convicted cult leader in prison since she was 19. Star maintains a number of pro-Manson sites, including a Facebook page and a website where Charlie occasionally offers up a sermon via telephone. She recently carved an “X” into her forehead, almost matching his swastika. Now, she says, they’re getting married.
“I’ll tell you straight up, Charlie and I are going to get married,” she told Rolling Stone. “When that will be, we don’t know. But I take it very seriously. Charlie is my husband. Charlie told me to tell you this. We haven’t told anybody about that.”
Manson, however, denied reports of the pending wedding. “Oh that,” he said. “That’s a bunch of garbage. You know that, man. That’s trash. We’re just playing that up for public consumption.”
Star would be Manson’s third wife, though the wedding would not likely produce any children (Manson already has three), as lifers in the California prison system no longer get conjugal visits.

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