Wednesday, November 20, 2013

'Bound 2' deep dive: Kanye and Kim at the End of the World

'Bound 2' deep dive: Kanye and Kim at the End of the World

So yes, Kanye West has made a music video with a topless Kim Kardashian, fiancée and mother-of-his-child and free-floating symbol for the dystopia our lives have become. And yes, the music video — set to “Bound 2,” the extremely heartfelt and totally weird love song that ends Yeezus — is about Kanye West and Kim Kardashian riding a motorcycle in front of green-screen images of Monument Valley and space, which makes it look a little bit like a ’70s biker-gang Roger Corman movie shot inside of an iMac screensaver. And yes, you could argue that this music video is basically a softcore porno about Kanye West making wuv to Kim Kardashian on a motorcycle.

It’s hilarious. It’s barely watchable. It’s a serious argument for Saturday Night Live turning “Waking Up With Kimye” into a weekly segment. It is semi-delusional. But could it be that the “Bound 2″ music video is also sneakily profound? That Kanye West, in attempting to create a document of his romance, has also somehow deconstructed that romance? That, in the process of gazing lovingly into his own navel, the rapper also wound up discovering new corners of the human heart? Is “Bound 2″ actually an anti-love story? Or could it be arguing that all love stories are anti-love stories? Could it be the entire story of Creation and Entropy, of the human condition, of the sacred and the profane, of Keeping Up With the Kardashians and the Book of Revelations?
Let’s take a look.

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