Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin count down to 

2014: 5 outrageous things that happened before midnight

It’s out with the old and in with the new – year that is. And for the seventh year in a row, silver fox journalist Anderson Cooper and the feisty and funny Kathy Griffin hosted their annual New Year’s Eve count down live from Times Square on CNN. Griffin sent Cooper a shirtless tweet before the telecast, hinting at some familiar wild antics like in year’s pasts. Would 2013 end differently? Yeah, we didn’t think so either. EW counted down to Midnight with the CNN odd couple and here are five of the most outrageous things that happened on air.

Miley’s licking what now?
The controversial pop princess belted out “Wrecking Ball” in Times Square right before that other ball was dropped, but it didn’t even take two minutes before Griffin started talking about Miley Cyrus and her tongue seen round the world. “Miley’s licking a lot of things tonight” the redhead comedian joked. Cooper later presented a large contract for Griffin to sign that read “No Swearing, No Stripping, No Touching, No Simulations.” Griffin happily signed the agreement “Miley Cyrus” and pretty much ignored those rules the rest of the night.
“We’re really locked together”
After days of apparent planning, Griffin actually handcuffed herself to Cooper. Yup, wrist to wrist full on cuff action. At first, the gag almost didn’t work when Griffin was unable to unlock the handcuffs behind her back. When she was finally able to reveal her mischievous plan, Cooper was laughing too much and oblivious that Griffin was actually created a firm bond between the two with no key stating, “Only 3 people in the world knew I was doing this.” Cooper’s response? “This is my worst nightmare.”
Anderson apparently comes to Melissa Etheridge’s window all the time
After performing some of her past hits in front of the crowd of a million freezing bystanders, Melissa Etheridge visited the CNN stand and revealed that “Come to My Window” was written about Anderson Cooper himself! Well, that’s probably not true, Griffin suggested writing a song about the journalist titled “Shallow Guy with a Secret”. Etheridge said her favorite part of the evening was that it was all free and that she was “sort of” wearing underwear. Not really sure what that means. Griffin did note an awkward transition from showing midnight celebrations in Moscow, Russia to the openly gay singer but Etheridge seemed too focused on the sea of blue hats given out by Nivea to the crowd to care.
#CNNNYE #whoreallycares?
Though the official hashtag for the telecast was #CNNNYE, Griffin came out with numerous unique trending options of her own throughout the night. Here are some of the best-

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